Capturing Leads From a Free Traffic Exchange
There are three key features that need to be implemented to be able to take advantage of traffic you receive from a free traffic exchange. You must have in place a squeeze (or lead capture) page, an autoresponder email manager, and a quality free offer or incentive that is attractive to visitors, who will provide their details to receive it. How you set up your system is extremely important.
The squeeze page is where visitors land when first reaching your website. This is set up to highlight the appeal of your offer so that they are induced to leave their email addresses for your subscribers' list. This gives you the opportunity to be able to follow up later with messages to those subscribers. Those emails aim to build a relationship of respect and trust with them, and may include quality, useful information. At various times, your emails will also invite the purchase of some item that you recommend.
Although it's possible to deliver the visitor direct to a product sales page, experience shows that this is ineffective as visitors from a traffic exchange usually remain on your site for less than 30 seconds (and probably closer to 15 seconds), and this time constraint does not suit the way sales pages work. In other words, sales are usually poor.
However, a carefully crafted landing page with a simple objective - such as to gather email addresses - works very well. Using a 'squeeze page' as a landing page for the traffic you get from a traffic exchange will work well if you mortgage loans the page to the known interests of the visitors: internet marketing. More precisely, they are interested in website traffic; after all, that is the main reason they approached a traffic exchange and they are only visiting your site to gain credits.
So usually you would provide a free ebook, software, video, or email course as an inducement to the visitor to provide you with their contact details. As well, the lead capture page would describe the amazing benefits to be enjoyed if they received the product you offer.
These details are automatically sent to an autoresponder which manages your mailing list and dispatches messages to your subscribers at pre-determined intervals that you have set.
By also setting up a tracking system on your lead capture pages and in your emails, you will be able to keep track of which pages and messages are effective in getting a response. This enables you to refine your advertising copy to improve your results.
Leads that you receive from a traffic exchange are primarily interested in internet marketing and have very little time in which to assess the page that you place before them. Experience has shown users of traffic exchanges they can obtain real benefits by establishing a follow-up system that captures the email addresses of visitors from a traffic exchange, which enables repeated contact to be Refinancing home at a later date.
Ivan Kelly administers a rating system for traffic exchanges. Discover the top user-rated traffic exchanges by visiting www.TopTrafficExchanges.comBest Traffic Exchange or see what other users have voted for at: www.TopTrafficExchanges.com