In laying on Phantom of the Opera model hands, your hands are an instrument through which God's 1960 Fleer baseball cards energy flows to another. This ancient way of healing is firmly rooted in scriptures and in many cultural traditions. The particular method described below fits within the concept that ALL IS ONE. Make sure you have permission to work with the person and that they are comfortable being touched. The client may be seated or lying down.
REMOVE Star Wars cards EGO:
Command your own ego to leave you.
This may be accomplished through prayer or meditation or by centering yourself, and enables you to connect with God.
Ask 1960 Topps baseball cards the presence of the Holy Spirit to help you and to protect you and your client.
Set your healing intention and pray or affirm that you be an instrument of healing for the client's highest good. Ask for guidance and direction.
1. Ask the client if there is something they wish to have addressed.
2. Observe the client's body language and ask for guidance in knowing the areas that need help.
3. Using your hands, move them slowly through the client's energy field without touching the body. This is usually done from head to toe, and if possible both front and back, to find areas that feel out of balance. During this evaluation, your hands may sense congestion in the form of: heat, cold, tingling, pressure, or you may feel or intuitively sense something else disrupting the flow of energy.
There are several ways to do laying-on-of-hands. Here is one method:
1. Set a healing intention for the client's highest good. Connect with the client by placing your hands upon their shoulders and become one with the client. Quiet yourself and wait until moved to step back.
2. Clear the client: Move your hands, without touching the body, from top to bottom, then from the center to the sides, beginning with very slow and gentle movements, to help the flow of God's healing energy move through the person.
3. Focus on congested areas. If you feel guided to do so, move your hands in this area, as if erasing the congestion, grabbing and tossing it away.
4. 1973 Topps baseball cards your hands on the client's chest at the heart center, or on the abdomen just below the rib cage, or wherever you are moved to do so. Center yourself again and allow the healing light and love of God to flow through you and out through your hands to those areas where it is needed, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
5. Let God do the healing through your hands.
6. Keep your hands on the client until Spirit moves them off. Do not focus on your hands. It may take a while, and your hands may actually feel as if they have disappeared into the client's body. Relax and let it happen. This indicates you are truly connected. The client may feel this too.
7. When your hands are lifted by Spirit, the session is finished. Allow the client to remain in this nurturing space for as long as they feel the need.
Mary Ann Johnston, healer, lecturer and author of "Sustained by Faith" & "Messages from Jesus".
Mary Ann's writings show us how Spirit nurtures and strengthens our souls, and our part in the process. Jesus is speaking through many others at this time in history and His messages are both timely and timeless
You may be more comfortable with messages from ancient holy books and less likely to accept messages from Jesus received by people living today. Remember, finding truth does not exclude inner knowing, and only your intuition and sound reasoning can be trusted to tell you what and what not to believe
In "Sustained by Faith - Personal Awakening in God", she tells us the story of her life and the wondrous ways in which Jesus encouraged and protected her when she needed help. Her life demonstrates that, by walking in the light of God's presence and never giving up, we too can learn from adversity, overcome obstacles, grow spiritually, and achieve worthwhile goals
In "Messages from Jesus - A Dialogue of Love", Jesus discusses threats to our health, safety, and environment that didn't exist two thousand years ago and presents spiritual concepts few could have understood back then. But He also enables us to more fully comprehend the timeless truths He lived and taught at that time. Many have been spiritually changed, comforted, and inspired to be more loving and forgiving by reading "Messages from Jesus"
For reading more and sharing inspirational, spiritual, healing experiences of your own go to: href="">